“A”: i personally think, that we have all experienced that at some point in our life and it HURTS!!! But I feel like the hurt will almost always make you stronger! You have to take TIME to remember who the fuck you are and what you’re worth!! You have to remember that you too are special and that what that person won’t do, ANOTHER WILL! (and probably do it better) 🤷🏽‍♀️

You also can try thinking of “WHY” you like that person. Meaning what it is that they do for you to the point you feel like you have to have them. Like REALLY think about if it’s you wanting something you can’t have and trying to prove your worth or is it you wanting them to want you or you being tired of being alone and just want to fill a void, because ALL OF THOSE are reasonings behind being broken and having a rough time getting over someone that “doesn’t like you in that way.”

You get over someone by not just remembering your worth, but by analyzing the situation at hand, for instance, if all they do is bring you heartache and headache matched with you questioning why you aren’t good enough, then that’s your que to release any feelings and energy you have for that person. (and I promise you they won’t notice, at least not at first)

With this, you HAVE to be honest WITH YOURSELF, because in the end, you’re the one that will be hurt if you don’t. So know that IT’S GOING TO TAKE TIME and with that, you have got to TAKE TIME to make an effort to move forward!!!

Meaning manifest new thoughts, new beginnings and new things you like to do to take your mind off of the situation. -Change will come with the effort you put into it. So put yourself first and make that first step into a new direction.

A quote that helped me snap out of it was “Have a little self respect and stop staying where you’re not wanted.”